Get $500 FREE Google Ad Credits!

United States , Washington , Seattle , Seattle

Posted On : 17/Oct/2022


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I’m Seye. I research & promote SAAS products that are game-changers for marketers like you.

I get a small portion of the sales, which helps me keep doing what I love – researching and getting marketers like you the best products possible.

I want to tell you about a fantastic AI platform that can generate hundreds of creatives for any of your social ads in just a few seconds.

It’s called AdCreative, and you will be blown away by it’s easy and cost-effective use.

It’s like Canva, which got a Ph.D. in designing ads!

Check it out by clicking :


You might be wondering “why should you use it, & how does it change the game?”

Take a moment to think about it;

 Google asks you for 20 variations of creatives & text in all formats (landscape, vertical, square) for their latest performance Max campaigns.

 Facebook dynamic ads are equally demanding.

Nevertheless, with this platform, it;

• Create all the creatives for every Ad platform in every format conceivable!

• Be the designer without any need for design experience!

• it tells you which creative will do well with an AI scoring system.

• Allow you to push all your creatives from one place with integrations.

• it also allows you to generate social media posts in an instant.

• it has an integrated text AI to write fantastic ad copies!

• it also gives insight into how your creatives perform in ad campaigns!

Check it out by clicking :


However, you get $500 FREE Google Ads Credits when you join and it has a 7-day free trial!

Once you start using it, you will see the difference in how fast you scale your business. I would love to know your feedback after you have used it extensively.

Check it out by clicking :

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

